Haobo Sun
Senior Landscape Designer
A landscape designer in Starr Whitehouse’s Atlanta Studio, Haobo is a CAD specialist who sees projects through from concept design to construction administration. For the AlphaLoop, an urban, multimodal transportation system in Alpharetta, GA, Haobo developed a full range of design drawings, renderings, and diagrams. For Atlantic Chestnut, an affordable housing development in Brooklyn, NY, Haobo focused on construction drawings and construction administration. For Roswell Riverparks, a ten-acre park on a former industrial site in Roswell, Haobo used ArcGIS to generate topography and flooding diagrams used to analyze the vulnerability of the site. Haobo completed his master’s in Landscape Architecture at Ohio State University, where he received the Ohio Chapter ASLA student honor award in 2021 for his academic achievements. Haobo has previous work experience at AECOM’s Shanghai office, and received his bachelor’s of Landscape Architecture from Chinese Cultural University in 2016.
Representative Projects:
Streets, Public Realm, and Infrastructure
North Point Parkway, Alpharetta, GA
AlphaLoop Link Downtown, Alpharetta, GA
Destination Greenways! Leif Ericson Park to Verrazzano Bridge, Brooklyn, NY
Green Infrastructure Challenge: MLK Living Lab, Atlanta, GA
Green Infrastructure Challenge: Continental Colony, Atlanta, GA
345 Courtland Streetscape Design, Atlanta, GA
Roswell River Parks Fitness Loop Trail, Roswell, GA
Park Design
Ace Sand Park, Roswell, GA
Don White Memorial Park, Roswell, GA
Riverside Park, Roswell, GA
Lakebottom Park and Theo Mcgee Park Restoration Plans, Columbus, GA
Jialu River Urban Park Design, Zhengzhou City, Henan, China*
Site Plans + Housing
Georgia Tech Alumni Garden, Atlanta, GA
98 Cone Street, Atlanta, GA
Midtown Manhattan High Rise, New York, NY
Orient Point Residence and Nature Preserve, Long Island, NY
Vine Street Waterfront Development, Philadelphia, PA
Atlantic Chestnut Affordable Housing, Brooklyn, NY
Greenpoint Hospital Redevelopment, Brooklyn, NY
In Pieces: augment ecosystem capacity in Everglades Agricultural Area, FL*
* Work completed prior to joining Starr Whitehouse